Below are guidelines on the general use of your BioCharger:
There aren’t any known detriments to using your BioCharger as often or as long as you would like. Feel free to run multiple recipes every day, if you so choose. The most important aspect of determining how much time you spend in sessions, is listening to your body and adjusting and adapting to optimize your usage pattern.
Some individuals may desire a more intense regimen, depending on their personal situation. For those that have access to a BioCharger daily can engage in sessions as often as desired. Typical usage in this scenario is 1-3 sessions a day. For those that are visiting a facility or do not have daily access, using BioCharger from 1-3 sessions a week, with 3 session being optimal.
There may be a law of diminishing returns. So while, some point, running more recipes will not be a detriment, it may not be additionally helpful. Each person is unique and some will find that they feel better with higher usage and others may find that less usage frequency works better for them. Listen to your body and the way it adapts to the energy and adjust appropriately.
Individuals who are sensitive to the energies of your BioCharger can try running the recipes on Light power mode and/or sit further back from the BioCharger if they find that they are uncomfortable during a recipe. Of course, use the Emergency Shut Off Button if the need
Some individuals may need to start off on the Light power level and gradually work their way in to the Normal or Boost power levels. We call this the adaptive process and it is important to go low (power on Light mode) and slow (don't do too many recipes per day) to allow the body to adjust to the new input of energy.
Ask individuals to listen to their bodies. If, for whatever reason, they are feeling uncomfortable, they can move away from the unit or stop the recipe immediately by pressing the Emergency Shut Off Button.