Here is a link to our Packing Your BioCharger Videos!
1. Disassemble the BioCharger *Place each accessory back in the original white box or in protective covering/bubble wrap
- Power off the BioCharger using the switch in the back
- Unplug the BioCharger from the wall
- Remove the arc rod or black nylon plug
- Remove the top white cover
- Remove the hexagonal plexiglass outer enclosure
- Place the outer enclosure in its box using the foam inserts and bubble wrap
- Remove the hexagonal coupling nut from the top of the silver toroid
- Remove the small lock washer and one large washer on top of the toroid
- Remove the toroid
- Remove the one large washer
- Remove the USB W-Fi adapter from the base of the BioCharger
- Store the arc rod and/or black nylon plug, washers, coupling nut, WiFi adapter and BioCharger Stylus in the original white box or a ziplock bag so they do not become lost.
2. Remove the tube carousel
*Place each accessory back in their original box or in protective covering/bubble wrap
- Remove each spectrum tube from the BioCharger by first lifting up on it slightly and then pulling out the bottom of the tube
- Place each spectrum tube back in its original box
- Place each box around the outside of the bubble wrap and outer enclosure
- Carefully lift the carousel up over the secondary coil and away from the BioCharger
- Place the carousel inside the outer enclosure fitting it within the foam inserts
- Place the top foam insert onto the carousel inside the outer enclosure
- Wrap the toroid in bubble wrap and place it on top of the carousel
3. Remove the secondary coil *Only handle the secondary coil by the grey plastic at the top and bottom of the coil
- Slowly turn the secondary coil counter-clockwise using only the grey plastic at the top until it is able to be pulled out of the BioCharger base
- Place the coil back in its original box using the padding on the top and bottom
4. Boxing up the BioCharger
- Place the BioCharger base in its box in its protective padding
- Place the accessory box in its spot within the base padding
- Place the power cords and filter in its box
- After you make sure everything is put in the right box and is carefully protected with bubble wrap, you can send the three boxes to the address below:
Advanced Biotechnologies, LLC 860 Route 134, Suite 3 South Dennis, MA 02660